Anomie and the threat to American Democracy

“It’s the economy, stupid.”

James Carville, 1992.
Writer's Note: For a fuller explanation of the concepts of anomie, one great starting place is the personal website ( of Prof. Dr. Christian Wickert who adapted his class curricula to create the pages. The links below are to his content. Further reading is available on Prof. Wickert's website. Or comment below and I'll see what I can find. There are a number of basic and moderately advanced videos on this topic at YouTube.

The original concept of Anomie (“a-nuh – mee”) comes from Émile Durkheim, a French sociologist of the late 19th Century. Durkheim was trying to explain the increase in suicide as the early stages of industrialization swept France. A modern way of looking at Durkheim’s theory is that as technology changes impact the lives of individual people, it creates economic shifts that make societal changes. The old ways no longer work and individuals become desperate as they watch the economic and social deterioration of their lives.

In the 1930s, the American sociologist, Robert Merton, expanded the concept from a focus on the individual to a focus on social structures. Society has “rules” or “norms” or expectations of behavior. In return for following these norms, the individual has a meaningful life.

When this social contract or the “collective consciousness” is no longer in sync with the social and economic reality, people’s lives are disrupted. This creates tension in the life of the individuals. As that tension grows, the willingness, even the ability to adhere to the past’s social norms melts away.

In the academic field of criminology, a major branch of sociology, anomie in the United States is being tied to economic inequality and perhaps more telling, the significant decrease in upward economic mobility.

By the 1980’s Robert Agnew added another dimension to the related theories of anomie. Specifically the role of an individual’s stress in General Strain Theory. Agnew also ties together a number of threads of thought including the psychology of stress and emotions, and methods of social control.

These theories from the social sciences give us a structural framework to understand the rising discontent in western civilization and especially in the United States. It explains rising suicide rates, addiction rates, violence in the homes, and increasing criminality in our streets. It explains individual isolation and the breakdown of the sense of community.

The answer to this politically is, it isn’t society’s fault that bad things happen. It is the responsibility of the individual who made bad choices. We need to help these bad people from making bad choices by increasing the consequences for doing bad things.

And so the argument about what is wrong with America goes back and forth. It’s illegal immigration. It’s drugs. It’s poor parenting. It’s gen K’s fault. It’s healthcare. It’s the deficit. It’s socialism. It’s capitalism. It’s guns. It’s bad cops. It’s lazy kids. It bad education. And on an on ad nauseum.

The reality is that it is bad policy. Policies that have killed the “American Dream” during the past two generations. Policies that destroyed hope, not just for a better future for “my “our” children, but policies that destroyed hope for a better future, period.

We need to correct the policies that destroyed the middle class here in the United States.

It’s the economy, stupid.

Anomie explains the breakdown of social morality and the shared sense of community when important implicit social promised are not fulfilled. Is it really any wonder that with the death of the American middle class dream, that people are upset? To the point to trying to do something about it?

Of course not.

Happy people do not start revolutions.

There is no single cause of this mess we call our daily lives. But if we want our civilization to survive our lifetimes, we need to start making investments into the future.

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Getting Wall Street out of our houses

The Street is a major buyer of single-family housing — driving up prices. Here’s a way to get our houses back. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

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Getting Wall Street out of our houses

The Street is a major buyer of single-family housing — driving up prices. Here’s a way to get our houses back.

Robert Reich
Feb 8



Ask average Americans why they’re grumpy — why, for example, they don’t credit Joe Biden with a good economy — and lack of affordable housing comes high on the list.

An important but little understood reason home prices and rents have skyrocketed across America — causing so many young people, in particular, to feel frustrated with the economy — is Wall Street’s takeover of a growing segment of the housing market.

The biggest reason home prices and rents have soared in the U.S. is the lack of housing. Supply isn’t nearly meeting demand.

But here’s the thing: Americans aren’t just bidding against other Americans for houses. They’re also bidding against Wall Street investors — who account for a large and growing share of home sales.

Democrats in Congress are finally beginning to give this trend the attention it deserves.

Let me explain.

The Street’s appetite for housing began after the 2008 financial crisis, when many homes were in foreclosure — homeowners found they owed more on them than the homes were worth. As you recall, Wall Street created that crisis with excessive and risky lending, too often in the form of mortgages to people unable to pay them when they became due.

When the crisis pushed the economy into deep recession and millions of Americans lost their jobs, many additional homeowners were unable to pay up. They, too, discovered that they owed more on their homes than their homes were then worth.

The Street became a double predator — first causing a housing bubble, which burst. Then buying up many of the remains at fire-sale prices, and selling or renting them for fat profits.

The predation continues. America’s soaring demand for housing has made houses terrific investments — if you’ve got deep enough pockets to buy them.

Partly as a result, homeownership — a cornerstone of generational wealth in the United States, and a big part of the American dream — is increasingly out of reach of a large and growing number of Americans, especially young people.

All over America, hedge funds (in the form of corporations, partnerships, and real estate investment trusts that manage funds pooled from investors) have bought up modestly priced houses, frequently in neighborhoods with large Black and Latino populations, and converted the properties to rentals.

In one neighborhood in east Charlotte, North Carolina, Wall Street-backed investors bought half of the homes that sold in 2021 and 2022. On one block, all but one of the homes sold during these years went for cash to an investor that then rented it out.

By last March (the most recent data available), hedge funds accounted for 27 percent of all single-family home purchases in the United States.

Now for some good news.

Democrats have introduced a bill in both houses of Congress to ban hedge funds from buying and owning single-family homes in the United States.

It would require that these funds sell off all the single-family homes they own over a 10-year period and would eventually bar them from owning any single-family homes at all.

During the decade-long phaseout, the bill would impose stiff tax penalties, with the proceeds reserved for down-payment assistance for individuals and families looking to buy homes from corporate owners.

If signed into law, the legislation could potentially increase the supply of single-family homes available to individual buyers — thereby making housing more affordable.

I have no delusions that the bill will become law anytime soon. But along with many other pieces of legislation Democrats have introduced in this Congress, the bill provides a roadmap of where the country could be heading under the right leadership.

So many Americans I meet these days are cynical about the country. I understand their cynicism. But cynicism can be a self-fulfilling prophesy if it means giving up the fight for a more equitable society.

The captains of American industry and Wall Street would like nothing better than for the rest of us to give up that fight, so they can take it all.

I say we keep fighting. This bill is one reason.

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March 6, 2023

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March 9 Program from the Montana Historical Society

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Date: Sun, Mar 5, 2023 at 12:02 PM
Subject: March 9 Program from the Montana Historical Society
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EXTERNAL Under the Rotunda: Day 43 of the 68th Montana Legislative Session


Under the Rotunda: Day 43 of the 68th Montana Legislative Session]

Your Daily Rundown of What’s Happening at the Montana Legislature
Welcome back to Under the Rotunda, your daily rundown of the comings and goings of the Montana State Legislature.

Democratic Wins:

It was a long day at the Capitol as the Legislature met for over ten hours, with approximately 150 bills being voting on 2nd reading today. Among those votes, Democrats were able to score some big legislative wins, by not only stopping bad Republican bills, but also passing good bills themselves.

  • At the end of today’s marathon session, Rep. Ed Butcher (R-Winifred) moved to blast HB 448, Revise laws related to right to work, the bill that would make Montana a right to work state. HB 448 was previously tabled by the House Business and Labor Committee earlier this month. The blast motion failed 28-71 with all Democrats voting against the motion.
  • A united Democratic caucus helped kill attempts to politicize our judicial system and bring party politics to local municipal elections. On a 16-34 vote, the Senate killed SB 302, Require partisan general elections for judges. Sponsored by Sen. Daniel Emerich (R-Great Falls), SB 302 would have allowed for non-partisan primaries for judicial offices, with the top two candidates allowed to run under a party label in the fall general election. The Senate also killed SB 317, Require partisan elections of certain city officials, sponsored by Sen. Chris Friedel (R-Billings). The bill would have required candidates for mayor and city council to declare their party preference. The bill was killed by a 20-30 vote.
  • SB 483, Generally revising alternative project delivery laws, sponsored by Sen. Chris Pope (D-Bozeman) passed 2nd reading on a 30-20 vote. The bill sets up the ability for the state to enter public-private partnerships on large public development projects such as hospitals and prisons.
  • HB 484, Establish broadband advisory commission, sponsored by Rep. Katie Sullivan (D-Missoula) renews the state’s broadband advisory commission, which provides recommendations on how to distribute federal broadband funding. The bill also directs the state to prioritize Montana-owned providers and rural projects when issuing grants. The bill passed 2nd reading on a 74-26 vote.

Senate Democrats Protect Stream Access:

On Tuesday night, Senate Majority Leader Steve Fitzpatrick (R- Great Falls) passed his bill SB 497, Revise property laws relating to easements out of the Senate Judiciary Committee. SB 497 would have weakened Montana’s public stream access and empower private landowners to block citizens from our waters.

The bill was a direct attack on Montanan’s right to access streams and rivers for fishing, hunting, floating, and outdoor recreation. SB 497 would essentially create a five-year sunset on any stream access easements that have been marked by a sign. After that five years, private landowners would be allowed to remove the public access sign and put up a No Trespassing Sign.

The burden to challenge this in court would then fall to the public. The bill explicitly removes the right for the public’s legal counsel to recoup attorney fees if the suit is successful.

The public would be forced to defend each of our public trails and roads in court, at immense cost.

The bill was scheduled for a vote on the Senate floor on Wednesday. During the debate, Senate Minority Leader Pat Flowers (D-Belgrade) said:
“There aren’t many things more dear to the Montanans than being able to access their streams and rivers the way we’ve been able to do all of our lives. The last thing we want to do is have a hearing that no sportsman or sportswoman knew was going on, and then strike down their rights. If we’re going to do this, we need to do this with a bright light and everyone in the room.”
Fortunately, Senate Democrats led the charge in defeating the bill 14-36, with 20 Republicans joining the Democratic caucus in opposing the bill.

Shocker: Montana Legislature Out of Step with Montanans:

With the House and Senate in the midst of cramming through hundreds of bills before Friday’s transmittal deadline, a new statewide public opinion poll released by the independent advocacy organization Middle Fork Strategies shows a majority of Montanans strongly disagree with plans like the one touted by Governor Greg Gianforte and the Legislature’s majority for addressing the state’s $2.5 billion budget surplus.
Fifty-seven percent of Montana voters instead prefer a plan that directly invests in affordable housing, tax cuts for working families, public education, and critical public services like mental healthcare. Conversely, only 36 percent support a plan like the one Gov. Gianforte has proposed, which focuses tax cuts disproportionately on top-earning Montanans and includes no direct investment in affordable housing.
Other key takeaways from the poll include:

  • More than six-in-10 Montanans believe the state’s schools are inadequately funded.
  • 71 percent oppose tax dollars being reallocated from public schools to private and religious education.
  • 84 percent of respondents believe that some of Montana’s budget surplus should be invested in nursing homes and long-term senior care after 11 such facilities have closed in the last year.
  • 88 percent support maintaining and protecting Montana’s successful Medicaid expansion program.

In addition to the state budget and surplus, the poll also examined Montanans’ opinions on several other top issues being debated by the 2023 Legislature, including proposed amendments to the state constitution, abortion rights, and elections in Montana.
Sixty-three percent of respondents oppose amending Montana’s constitution, and when asked about specific amendments that have been proposed, even greater numbers express disagreement:

  • 75 percent oppose changes to the constitutional right to privacy that would restrict abortion access.
  • 66 percent oppose revising the right to a clean and healthful environment to make it easier for private corporations to develop and profit from the state’s natural resources.
  • 92 percent oppose an amendment that would allow the Governor to appoint justices to the Supreme Court, rather than directly elected by the people.

Resounding majorities of those surveyed oppose the creation of a statewide sales tax and proposals to move toward partisan elections for judges and local offices like school boards.
The survey also asked Montanans about the popular streaming series “Yellowstone,” which has been the subject of heated debate in the state, both credited and blamed with boosting Montana’s tourism industry and fueling the housing crisis. Ninety-two percent of Montanans have heard of “Yellowstone,” but only 31 percent of respondents say they watch the show. Of those Montanans who have watched or know of the show, 56 percent say it does not represent Montana accurately.
The results of Middle Fork’s poll on current issues facing Montana can be found here, and a memo summarizing key takeaways can be found here.

Now They’re on the Record:

Long time readers of Under the Rotunda are well versed on HB 432, which was sponsored by Rep. Laurie Bishop (D-Livingston). HB 432 and the corresponding bill in the Senate SB 437, sponsored by Sen. Jen Gross (D-Billings) would codify the Montana Supreme Court’s 1999 Armstrong decision into state law. Unsurprisingly both bills were tabled in committee.

At the end of both the House and Senate session on Wednesday, a motion was made to blast both bills onto the floor of their respective chambers, officially putting members of the GOP caucus officially on the record as to where they stand on Montana women having the privacy to control their bodies.

In the House, the blast motion failed with the entire Republican caucus voting against the motion, while in the Senate only two Republicans Sens. Terry Vermeire (R-Anaconda) and Dan Salomon (R-Ronan) voted with a united Democratic caucus in favor of the blast motion.

What’s Coming Up:

At the end of Wednesday’s Senate session, Senate Majority Leader Steve Fitzpatrick promised that Thursday would be another long day filled with "controversial bills." Here are some of the most outrageous bills we will be watching tomorrow:

SB 465, Require implementation of Medicaid community engagement requirements, sponsored by Sen. Jeremy Trebas (R-Great Falls) was a late filed bill that would essentially end Medicaid expansion in Montana at the end of 2023, kicking off 100,000 Montanans off their health insurance. The bill passed the Senate Public Health, Welfare, and Safety Committee and was scheduled to be voted on Wednesday but was pushed back to Thursday. A legal note is attached to the bill, since SB 465 states that the Department of Health and Human Services would be required to carry out this legislation without obtaining a waiver from the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services, a likely violation of federal law.

SB 458, Define sex in Montana law, sponsored by Sen. Carl Glimm (R-Kila) is another Freedom Caucus supported anti-trans law. SB 458 would codify that there are only two sexes, male and female and establishes a legal definition for male and female, which would eliminate trans, intersex, and non-binary Montanans from the law. The bill passed Senate Judiciary Committee and is expected to be one of the last bills voted on Thursday.

HB 595, Generally revise judicial election laws, sponsored by Rep. Scott Kerns (R-Great Falls) is one of the last bills that attack the judiciary to be voted on. The bill would require candidates for currently non-partisan positions on the Montana Supreme Court to run as partisan politicians. The bill was initially tabled by the House Judiciary Committee but was brought back and passed by the committee and moved to the House floor.

Until next time,

Scott McNeil
Montana Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (MDLCC)

@KellyKortum: Person (who is literally the government forcing their will on other people) is very concerned about the government forcing its will on people #mtpol

Kids, you should be able to enjoy your two minutes

One fish, two fish – two headed Koocanu-fish?

Breaking the gridlock

Pseudo-Republicans censure real Republican


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24-week abortion ban, charter schools and right-to-work fails again: House hustles to deadline: The house passed a 24-week abortion ban, money for charter schools, among dozens of other bills during the first leg of their day-long floor session on Wednesday.

Senate kills stream access code changes, moves forward on nursing home and hospital charges bills: The Montana Senate heard more than 60 bills on second reading Wednesday to kick off a series of nearly full-day floor sessions as both chambers work to get all general bills passed to the other chamber before Friday’s transmittal deadline.

Broadband spending sideboards get initial House approval: Lawmakers in the Montana House gave a preliminary thumbs-up Wednesday to a bill that would expand legislative oversight of the state’s federally funded broadband internet program, which will likely direct hundreds of millions of dollars to subsidizing rural Montana connectivity in the coming years.

Rep. Derek Harvey Brings Working-Class Perspective to Montana’s Citizen Legislature: A typical work day for Derek Harvey as a firefighter in Butte is filled with protecting Montanans in emergencies.

Legislators react to GOP’s break with Racicot:State legislators from Western Montana are  — like the former governor himself — unsurprised by the Montana Republican Party’s public break up with Marc Racicot.

The Party Faithful: From where former Governor Marc Racicot sits on a sunny Wednesday afternoon at his home outside of Missoula, the world of Montana politics looks more unrecognizable than he ever could have imagined.

Kangaroos, cartels, not popular on Montana House floor: Representatives in the House weren’t in favor of kangaroos — at least in apartments — or cartels or ranked choice voting.

Committee votes on four wolf bills as legislative deadline nears: The House Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee voted on four wolf-related measures Feb. 28 ahead of a key legislative deadline.

House Human Services advances bill to fully fund Medicaid rates in Guidehouse study: The House Human Services Committee on Tuesday passed a bill to fully fund Medicaid reimbursement rates recommended in an in-depth study by a national consultant — plus the cost of inflation.

Billion-dollar tax rebate, spending package heads to governor’s desk: A suite of bills allocating a billion-dollar chunk of Montana’s $2.5 billion-plus surplus toward tax rebates and other spending measures cleared the final Senate votes standing between them and the desk of Gov. Greg Gianforte this week.

House gives initial approval to 2 competing charter school bills: Two competing Republican-sponsored charter school bills both cleared an initial vote in the state House on Wednesday.

House approves $96M pension bill: Montana would spend $96 million of its surplus to stabilize pension funds for law enforcement under a bill that got preliminary approval in the House on Wednesday, following on the heels of a bill to pump $300 million into the state employees’ retirement system.

Multiple bills presented to address inflation on public school funding: A number of bills aimed at addressing inflation’s impact on public education have reached various levels in the state legislature this week.

Bill to prevent mRNA vaccine recipients from donating blood is killed: The House Human Services committee has killed a bill that would have made it illegal to donate blood or tissue if the donor had received any mRNA vaccines or treatments.

How 2017 state budget cuts are still affecting Gallatin County’s mental health care: Andy Kemp became a case manager supervisor at the Gallatin Mental Health Center in 2017, and by the end of that year that position would be near obsolete.

Bill allowing duplex housing in city zoning clears 2nd reading in Senate: A bill that legislators say could help alleviate Montana’s housing crisis clears its second reading in the state Senate.

Montana House, Senate hold first day of marathon floor debates ahead of transmittal deadline: The Montana House and Senate worked for hours Wednesday, debating dozens of bills ahead of a key deadline at the end of the week.

Vaccination status in child support bill gets initial House approval: A measure that would keep vaccination status out of child support and custody cases is one step closer to Gov. Gianforte’s desk after clearing second reading, 72-28, in the House.

Lawmakers advance bill making trespassing with a UAV a criminal offense: It may soon be a criminal offense to trespass using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) such as a drone.

Campaign finance reform bill passes Senate vote: A bill that revises campaign finance laws passed its second reading in the Montana Senate by a 33-16 vote.

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Last Chance to Kill Anti-Vaccine Bills

From: Kiely <kiely>
Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 3:30 PM
Subject: Last Chance to Kill Anti-Vaccine Bills
To: Danny Choriki <danny>

Before Transmittal

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HB715 and SB450 were voted out of their committees yesterday. SB450 will be heard on the Senate floor this evening and HB715 will be heard on the House floor no later than tomorrow evening.

Legislators need to hear from the vast majority of Montanans that support vaccines, not from the vocal minority of misinformed anti-vaccine supporters that want to dismantle the vaccine requirements that keep all Montanans safe from preventable diseases.

This is our last chance to kill these bills before transmittal. Please message your representative and senator as soon as possible!

If you don’t know the names of your legislators you can look them up with your address here.

Thank you for your action,

Kiely Lammers


MT Families for Vaccines

Talking Points:

  • Making it easier for parent to opt-out of vaccines puts all Montanans in danger of preventable diseases.
  • Including exemption options with vaccine requirements sends a message to parents that vaccines are not important and can easily be skipped without risks.
  • When it’s easier to opt-out of required immunizations, vaccine rates go down and risks of outbreaks increase.
  • It’s important for parents to make medical decisions in collaboration with their pediatrician or family doctor.
Contact Your Representative
Talking Points:

  • Vaccines protect not only oneself but families, neighbors, and communities. They are especially important for children, older adults, those who are immunocompromised, and those who may not be able to get vaccinated. We count on these numbers to keep everyone safe.
  • Childcare providers should be able to choose if they allow unvaccinated children into their establishments, especially when providing care in their own homes.
  • Allowing unvaccinated children in childcare settings poses a large risk to children ages 0-5 years who are unable to fully vaccinate because parents and doctors are following guidelines for initial immunizations and boosters.
  • This legislation is unnecessary because processes exist for vaccine exemptions, meaning a child’s parent or guardian may request an exemption in writing for medical or religious reasons.
  • This will cost taxpayers money. This is an unfunded mandate for state health departments that will be tasked with investigating and containing a disease outbreak. For example, the cost of a whooping cost outbreak in a single school is $51,000; the cost of a measles outbreak in Minnesota in 2017 was $1.3 million; and; the annual cost of an average flu season is $87 billion.
  • The weakening of school entry requirements will lead to an increase in the transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases, causing kids to miss school and parents to miss work.
  • The vast majority of Montana parents support routine vaccination of children and adolescents, and more than 94% of kindergarteners in public schools nationally are vaccinated as required by current state laws.
  • School immunization requirements have a long and successful history and were implemented to prevent communicable diseases, including measles, whooping cough, and polio.
  • Montana would be out of step with the rest of the nation. The list of states that permit nonmedical exemptions is shrinking, not expanding—no state has added a new philosophical exemption/conscientious objection for routinely recommended immunizations required for school entry in 20 years.
Contact Your Senator
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Youth Case Manager at Youth Dynamics in Billings, MT and 19 more new jobs

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TDS Telecom 3.6 3.6/5 rating– Billings, MT
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Are you a people person? Are you looking to start an exciting career in marketing? Do you want to grow within a great company? If so, you may be an amazing…
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Sales Management Trainee
Enterprise Holdings 3.5 3.5/5 rating– Billings, MT
$48,000 a year
Start your career with Enterprise! We’re hiring immediately for our respected Management Training Program. Whether you see yourself in sales, business…
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Administrative Assistant III
Montana State University Billings 4.1 4.1/5 rating– Billings, MT
$17.19 an hour
*Administrative Assistant III* *Position Details* *Position Information* *NBAPOSN Title *Storekeeper *Working Title *Administrative Assistant III *Brief…
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Bookseller – PT
Barnes & Noble 3.8 3.8/5 rating– Billings, MT
Title: Bookseller – PT Category: Retail EmploymentType: Part-Time Location: MT – Billings – Billings – 2765 LocationType: retail JobLocation: Billings,…
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Accounting Technician
US Western Area Power Administration – Billings, MT
$37,696 – $60,703 a year
Duties Duties at full performance: Project Support and Reporting: Establishes projects for accumulating costs on new jobs, ensuring that the correct…
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Operator / Field Technician (Job #4865)
West Central Environmental Consultants 3.4 3.4/5 rating– Billings, MT
$25 an hour
*West Central Environmental Consultants (WCEC) a division of SET Environmental, Inc.’s mission is to become the premier environmental services company in the…
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Site Supervisor
Acuren Inspection, Inc. 3.2 3.2/5 rating– Billings, MT
Position Summary: The Site Manager will work closely with the client point of contact to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and uniformity of operations…
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PT Package Center Supervisor – Billings
UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 3.7 3.7/5 rating– Billings, MT
Job Summary Supervises daily activities of drivers and package handlers to ensure that all assigned duties are accomplished safely and timely. Supervisors…
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Danny, here’s your March issue of Montana Statements

From: MSU Alumni Foundation <msuaf>
Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 6:02 PM
Subject: Danny, here’s your March issue of Montana Statements
To: <danny.choriki>

MSU Alumni Foundation
Find out about Montana State events you want to join on campus or in your area:
MSU Job Fair
‘Almost’ Spring Career Fair
Montana State University has planned a full slate of networking, informational and reception events as part of its annual “Almost” Spring Job and Internship Fair, held Feb. 28 through March 3, on campus. More than 200 employers from around the region and country are expected to attend.

Read more

Top MSU stories
MSU Women's Basketball
Big Sky Conference Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championships March 4-8
Simms Fishing
Montana State hosting outdoor industry business panel March 7
Dmitry Muratov
Russian Nobel Peace Prize winner reminds students of their power to influence
Montana Shakes!
MSU Giving Day raises over $386,000 for programs, causes and groups
Elizabeth Johnson
MSU to collaborate with Billings Clinic to expand access to clinical trials
Nordic skiing at Mammoth Terrace
Take advantage of late winter in Yellowstone Country
Students at the Capitol in Helena
Last month, nearly thirty MSU students made the trip to the Montana Capitol in Helena for ASMSU’s Rotunda Day, where they spent the day learning about the legislature’s political process and interacting with government officials. Click here to check out some snapshots from the trip.

In other news, a big legislative win came last week, when an amendment containing appropriations for a new Gallatin College building was added to House Bill 5 (see Section 14).

Rotunda Day
Marga Hosaeus Fitness Center
Outdoor Recreation Center
Montana State University Alumni Foundation

1501 South 11th Avenue | Bozeman, MT, 59715

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Community Archive Project

From: Billings Public Library <refdesk>
Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 6:15 PM
Subject: Community Archive Project
To: <danny.choriki>

We need your photographs!

Community Archive Project

In Partnership with Montana History Portal

May 12, 5:30-7:00PM, featuring Jennifer Birnel

Library Community Room

From March 1st to May 1st, we will be accepting digitized versions of the photographs you took of Billings landmarks, events, and notable figures during the 1960s, ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s! Participants are limited to 10 submissions, so choose carefully! A large selection of these photos will then be displayed for all to see at the May 12 Friday Night Fun event. As a special guest, Jennifer Birnel, Director of the Montana History Portal, will deliver a presentation and take questions related to the MHP website and local history preservation from 5:30-6:30PM. This event is free and open to the public.

Submitted photographs must be digitized and meet all the requirements stated on our refdesk, delivered to the 2nd-floor Reference desk on a flash drive, or uploaded through the Creative Commons Agreement and Upload form. If you have photos that you would like to submit that are not digitized, you can set up an appointment to use our Memory Lab to digitize images.

Depending on the image quality of your photograph and the description detail you provide, your photo(s) may be chosen to be permanently included in the Billings Public Library’s Historic Photo Collection on the newly renovated Montana History Portal website (formerly Montana Memory Project). If you took the photo, you will be attributed!

For more information or assistance, please reach out via email to refdesk, lanningj, or call 406-657-8294.

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